Sunday, September 9, 2012

Why Agriculture?

Pensive in the Fields

I initially wanted this to be an elaborate post on all my logical reasoning and complex thought processes for this decision - but that's how it's been sitting as a draft for well over an year. Time to get it out!

Here are the reasons why I chose to be an agricultural entrepreneur.

I love Agriculture and Allied Activities

Every time I visited our native village, Edanganni, I felt at peace. I slept better there than anywhere else. 
My dad says we have agriculture in our veins - I guess that's true!

The Growing Demand for Food around the World 

I kept reading about increasing food prices, potential famines, food riots, food export restrictions and other similar stories. This recent NYT article kind of summarizes my fears. 

Increasing Usage of Pesticides in Food Crops 

We have all heard about the unintended side-effects of stronger and stronger pesticides applied on our food crops. We all worry about it. Those who can afford it, can switch over to premium-priced organic produce. What about the rest of us?

Educational background

I chose to become a veterinarian because of my love for animals. In my current work (which has the least possible relation to my field of study), I've thrived, but always felt a longing to return to what I studied for. 

Livestock rearing has always been a discussion in our circles - Agriculture, I felt, would be the ideal start towards an integrated farming system somewhere in the future. 


  • I read about urban/community farming in places like Detroit, MI, experienced farmer's markets (the US version) and heard  many inspiring stories of entrepreneurial nature (Thanks NPR!). 
  • I was intrigued by the idea of a small self-sustaining unit that required minimal inputs to operate normally and potentially require NO external inputs, in times of crisis/need. 
  • I wanted my kids to experience the India I loved and continue to love. 
So, that's how Anandham - An Agri AdVenture was born. 


  1. Good to know it...god bless you and you will be successful in all your work....

  2. Hello Anand,

    I just stumbled upon your blog and could not resist congratulating you on your remarkable venture. We surely need more sustainable agricultural initiatives, especially in today's times.

    I do have similar aspirations and hopefully will be able to make some contribution in future.

    Wish you all the very best! May Anandham grow by leaps and bounds.


    1. Hi Lonely Soul, Thanks! Glad to know that I am have company in this train of thought action. People of a similar mind need to stay connected so that we can draw off of each other for ideas and support.
      Do keep in touch!

  3. Nice , You have a penchant to take off beat and glamorous profession :)

    - Jai

    1. I hope I have the penchant for pulling it off as well. ;-)

  4. great anand. Best wishes to succeed in your (ad)venture.

    1. Thanks for your wishes! Check back soon for updates!

  5. Anand,
    Great move and thoughts. Not many people are able to break away from the rat race and do something meaningful to self and the community. Best of luck and am sure this is bound to succeed with the energy and passion that I can feel reading you post.

    -Manish (your neighbor @ Denver)

  6. Good to see a PE in the middle of the fields.

  7. my dream is same too. u r inspiring me.
